
Croatia’s blend of striking visuals and generous filming incentive programme has helped the country sustain a high production profile in recent years. Dubrovnik features as capital city King’s Landing in HBO’s Game of Thrones and the upcoming sci-fi film Star Wars: Episode VIII also shot in the city for a length period of time.

Robin Hood: Origins starring Taron Egerton recently descended upon Dubrovnik to double parts of the waterfront for England.

HAVC offers production support locally to promote the domestic industry and to help arrange co-productions.

Bollywood star Shahrukh Khan also filmed scenes for his recent movie Fan in the country. The production used Croatia’s filming incentives to spend nine days shooting in Dubrovnik, before relocating to London. Fan spent EUR1.1 million in Dubrovnik and will get a rebate of EUR200,000 through Croatia’s 20% filming incentive. The production was initially attracted by Dubrovnik’s unique visuals.

Landscapes are magnificent, the local crew we work with are excellent and the people are very friendly. Everyone welcomed us warmly and gave us the best possible feeling of hospitality. We already look forward to working closely with the locals, companies and the local government.

Christian Becker, Producer


The climate in the north and east is continental, Mediterranean along the coast and a semi-highland and highland climate in the south-central region. The climate is predominantly temperate.

In the capital, Zagreb, the average daily high in July is 27C, while in January it falls to 2C. Zagreb's annual rainfall is 924cm. The Adriatic coast has a more moderate, Mediterranean climate.

The average annual temperatures for the cities of Split and Dubrovnik are around 17C. The prevailing north-eastern winds include the maestral, which mitigates the heat in the summer.

The winter averages 49 days of snow cover. Neither Split nor Dubrovnik typically experience snow in the winter and each city averages more than 100 sunny days per year.

  • Average daily daylight

  • Average daily sunlight

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