
Louisiana's production industry has suffered after the state film incentive was temporarily suspended througout 2016.  While now reinstated, the incentive has already depleted its funding from the backlog of Producers hoping to sell their tax credits back to the state.

Louisiana's world class infrastructure has helped it to rebuild, attracting a number of notable projects including The Magnificent Seven and superhero flick, Logan.

FilmWorks New Orleans’ flexible studio space will help ensure that we continue to draw major film projects to the area.

George Steiner, President of FilmWorks


Louisiana has a humid semi-tropical climate, with drier conditions and higher temperature variations with greater distance from the Gulf of Mexico.

New Orleans temperatures range from lows of 11C in January to highs of nearly 30C in mid-summer. Ordinarily the temperature hovers at around 20C.

Thunderstorms are commonplace, while hurricanes and tropical storms can cause damage in coastal regions, as seen with the infamous devastation caused by Hurricane Katrina. The state experiences on average nearly 30 hurricanes a year.

Northern parts of the state occasionally see snow and temperatures in these areas can fall to -8C. October has the least rain.

  • Average daily daylight

  • Average daily sunlight

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