New Jersey

Governor to the state of New Jersey, Chris Christie has vetoed a proposed motion to install a new system of filming incentives within the state. In 2011 Christie similarly halted a USD420,000 tax credit made available for the first season of Jersey Shore, over concerns regarding the controversial content of the show.

Production activity has suffered as productions look elsewhere for a better incentive deal, particularly in the neighbouring state of New York.

No matter what the request, no matter what the problem, no matter what the timeframe, the New Jersey Film Commission always responded with unquestioning support and a direct plan of action.

Evan Perazzo, Location Manager


New Jersey has a moderate climate, with milder conditions in the north-west as the ground is higher. Average winter temperatures in Atlantic City, on the Atlantic seaboard, reach around -1C, while in the summer conditions are hot and humid with temperatures reaching about 24C. The average annual temperature rests at 12C.
Rainfall is evenly spread throughout the state, with Atlantic City getting slightly less than elsewhere in the state during the average year. The coast is susceptible to spring storms and sometimes experiences hurricanes.

  • average daily daylight

  • average daily sunlight

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