New York

New York maintains its status as one of the top production hubs in the US, offering a network of studio facilities, a skilled crew base and a generous filming incentive programme. The state offers USD420 million a year – still significantly more than California, even with its boosted fund – and an additional USD25 million fund supports post-production work.

New York specifically incentivises location filming in upstate areas beyond the iconic surrounds of New York City and its boroughs. Netflix has made use of this incentive with their array of Marvel superhero shows, which shoot in various locations throughout the state.

In New York City studio expansion is underway, with projects including additional site development for Silvercup Studios. New York’s main competition for 2017 will be North American production hubs like Georgia, California, and probably still Louisiana in the US despite its filming incentive reforms. Canadian cities like Vancouver and Toronto could also pull productions away from the East Coast.

Shooting Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 in upstate New York is proving to be a great experience and we are thankful to the city for its warm welcome. Buffalo has provided the perfect backdrop to shoot some exciting action scenes and we are thrilled to be getting things underway.

Lee Rosenthal, President of Physical Production at Paramount Pictures


New York is humid and continental with three main climatic regions comprising the south-east lowlands, the Great Lakes Plain and the uplands. The lowlands generally have warmer temperatures, while the uplands have colder winters and the Great Lakes Plain has some of the heaviest snowfall in the whole of the US.

The state is affected by cold, dry wind that comes in from the north-west and a contrasting warm and humid air mass that arrives from the south-west. Typical temperatures in New York City range from 8C to 17C, while temperatures in far-northern areas can fall to -25C in the winter. Rainfall is evenly spread.

  • Average daily daylight

  • Average daily sunlight

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