
Texas has had a recent profile boost due to the success of HBO's The Leftovers. The show's second season was filmed almost entirely in the state. From Dusk Til Dawn: The Series is among the highest-profile productions currently filming in the state.

Still, Texas has only limited appeal as a national and international filming location, partly because its filming incentive has a relatively small annual fund. The Texas Moving Image Industry Incentive programme offers a direct payment of up to 22.5% of all qualified.

Texas shares borders with New Mexico to the west and Louisiana to the east, both of which offer generous filming incentives and world-class studio infrastructure. New Mexico is the top US filming location for desert landscapes, in large part due to the economics.

We have assembled an amazing cast and crew, and viewers can expect to be part of a wild ride when the series premieres on El Rey Network next spring.”

Robert Rodriguez, Director


Texas has a varied climate in part due to its size. Temperatures generally range from winter lows of -3C between November and March, to summer highs of 33C between April and October. Rainfall can surpass 56 inches on the eastern border near Louisiana, but the figure is a fraction of this in the far west.

  • Average daily daylight

  • Average daily sunlight

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