Written by new-contact on Feb 19, 2014. Posted in Production News

Garage Films organises global Adidas shoot for Mexico’s World Cup campaign

Garage Films shot on location in Croatia, Cameroon and Brazil for a new Adidas campaign marking Mexico’s group stage matches in the FIFA World Cup 2014. The spot follows a Mexican living in each country and explores how they follow their national team.

Faced with a tight, 18-day schedule for both filming and post-production, Garage Films sent three different crews from its Mexico City base to Zagreb, Douala and Rio de Janeiro, respectively, so that filming could take place in each city simultaneously.

“The biggest challenge was the short time we had,” explains Simon Rubalcava of Garage Films: “One Monday we get the briefing for the project and by Friday the same week we were already travelling and shooting Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of the following week. And to top that the spot is online the following Friday.

“Another challenge was to find our star characters. All three are real Mexicans living in those countries. It was a bigger challenge in Cameroon since we found out that there are only three Mexicans living in that country!”

The crews all communicated via email and a mix of different digital means, while the Cameroon team also had a satellite phone in case of emergency. Arranging travel for Cameroon proved tricky as the nearest embassy for Garage Films was in Washington, DC. They ended up getting to Cameroon via Spain, but without any members of the creative team as there wasn’t enough time to sort the relevant visas.

“[Filming was] challenging on one side but much easier on the other, especially from the small crew perspective,” adds Marijan Maro Kockovic, Line Producer in Zagreb with Mainframe Production.

“[It was] easier to enter venues and arrange locations on the spot if needed, much quicker and more creative. By filming this in Zagreb, the capital of Croatia, beside the fact that the Mexican guy lived there, we had all the locations within walking distance – walk and shoot!”

Client: Adidas
Agency: Chiat Day Mexico
Production Company: Garage Films, Mexico
Executive Producers: Simon Rubalcava and Oriol Uria
Producers: Patricio Lopez ( Brasil) and Hector Bobo (Cameroon)
Croatia Crew: Marijan Maro Kockovic (Line Producer), Ivan Zadro (Camera Assistant) and Miroslav Pogelsek Pajdo (PA) of Mainframe Production
Directors of Photography: Gregorio Sanchez (Cameroon), Pedro Luque (Brasil) and Roman Martinez de Bujo (Croatia)
Directors: Adria Lopez (Cameroon), Vicky Torres (Brasil) and Jose Teran (Croatia)


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