Written by new-contact on Feb 21, 2013. Posted in Production News

Imaginary Forces films ancient Greece in California for God of War game trailer

Production company Imaginary Forces created ancient Greece on location in California in the trailer for videogame God of War: Ascension – From Ashes. The spot shows ancient warriors rallying in a valley before hero Kratos finds himself in a world of ashes after the death of his family.

Imaginary Forces considered seeking added location authenticity by filming in Greece and Romania before eventually deciding to stay closer to home. Extensive physical scouting and digital 3D location mapping for a very specific shot list led the team to a ranch near Simi Valley (above) north of Los Angeles.

The opening shots of a sunny Grecian valley recall films like Gladiator and 300, while the ‘ash world’ of the final shots was created in a studio (below).

It was an incredibly uncharacteristically cold and windy day for Southern California, especially considering those silk dresses and Spartan uniforms weren't exactly designed for insulation!

Jon Hassell, Producer

“It was an incredibly uncharacteristically cold and windy day for Southern California,” recalls producer Jon Hassell, “especially considering those silk dresses and Spartan uniforms weren't exactly designed for insulation!"

“But a challenge like that translated into utter beauty," he adds: "Shooting that incredible natural movement of hair and sway of trees in high-speed really sold the hyper-real and dreamlike vibe we were going for.”

Few changes were made to the location on the day, but matte paintings and digital set extensions expanded the Grecian landscape in post-production. “It was important for our piece to experience the grandeur of this world,” Hassell concludes.

Product: God of War: Ascension – From Ashes
Production Company: Imaginary Forces, California
Producer: Jon Hassell
Director of Photography: Trent Opaloch
Director: Karin Fong

(Photos: Imaginary Forces)


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