Written by new-contact on Apr 22, 2015. Posted in Production News

Innocean Worldwide creates giant space note in Nevada filming for Hyundai

Innocean Worldwide shot on location on the Delamar Dry Lake in Nevada for a special project for Hyundai Motors. The production used a fleet of cars to create a love note from a teenage girl that would be visible to her father on the International Space Station.

Teenager Stephanie wrote the simple note to her astronaut father, which was then scanned and GPS-plotted by an international team of experts.

Eleven Hyundai Genesis cars were driven in synchronisation across Delamar Dry Lake to recreate the note in Stephanie’s handwriting in a size large enough to be visible from space.

“As this campaign was unprecedented, many challenges abounded such as finding the optimal location, dealing with ever changing weather conditions, and driving 11 Genesis cars in a perfect synchronization, to name a few,” said Scott Noh, Head of Overseas Marketing Group for the Hyundai Motor Company.

Dry lake beds across the US were considered for the shoot before the production team – comprising experts from the US, Korea and Europe – decided Delamar offered the best climatic conditions.

“Every dry lake in the US was reviewed, as long as it was big enough to be seen from outer space,” Noh adds: “Considering numerous geographical and meteorological factors as well as weather conditions, Delamar Dry Lake in Nevada was chosen as the most optimal location.”

Six weeks of planning culminated in a three-day shoot and an official World Record for the largest tyre track image ever created, at 5.5 sq km.

Client: Hyundai Motor Company
Production Company: Innocean Worldwide


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