Written by new-contact on Jan 22, 2014. Posted in Production News

BBC films new period adventure The Musketeers on location in Czech Republic

The BBC chose to film on location in the Czech Republic for its new ten-part adventure series The Musketeers. Based on Alexander Dumas’ classic novel The Three Musketeers, the country doubled for 17th Century Paris.

Paris was never seriously considered as a filming location, partly because the city’s extensive development work over the decades meant it lacked the grittier historic architecture the production team was looking for.

Dublin was the first real consideration as long-running period show The Tudors had filmed there, but the Czech Republic ended up being the best option, with servicing from Czech Anglo Productions.

“The Czech Republic was not significantly bombed in the world wars so a lot of the original architecture remains intact,” explained series producer Colin Wratten: “The beauty of the Czech Republic is that they have many beautiful privately-owned stately homes with owners who are only too pleased to rent them out for filming. They also have areas that are less developed. In the UK we would have been framing out the National Trust gift shop at many of the period locations. In Prague we could shoot 360 degrees at the majority of the locations we filmed in.”

Shooting at privately-owned locations was logistically easier than having to negotiate with large organisations and the team got warm welcomes as the location fees were helping with the daily upkeep. Crucially, the crew were careful of the historical buildings they were working in so as to show the owners they were a respectful presence.

In the UK we would have been framing out the National Trust gift shop at many of the period locations. In Prague we could shoot 360 degrees at the majority of the locations we filmed.

Colin Wratten, Producer

Rather than using studio facilities, the production team set up their main base in the town of Doksany, 30 kilometres north-west of Prague. Here they built various Parisian streets, a Parisian town square and the musketeer garrison, while a disused convent became home to additional sets including taverns, bedrooms and a mortuary. In many additional locations, small augmentations were made by Production Designer Will Hughes Jones.

“Mainly it was about adding detail,” Wratten commented: “Will would build additional walls or prison bars, build stables, add shutters, cover the tarmac with peat or mud, furnish rooms with specially-made furniture, add flaming torches or braziers that he had had made by local blacksmiths [and] add action props that were made locally - specially made pewter cups, leather cups, wonky glass bottles, plates, iron forks [and] candlesticks.”

A creative approach was needed to light the interior scenes, given that naked flames were the only option the team had for the story’s 16th Century setting. Jones approached the issue by strategically positioning candles at head-height to light the actors. He also built fireplaces in rooms where they hadn’t previously existed and used hidden extractor fans to prevent the rooms filling with smoke.

One of the biggest challenges was the weather. The shoot straddled the Czech winter where temperatures dropped to -10 Degrees Celsius, causing problems for the design team.

“Often the paint would freeze in the tin and then it would snow and the paint would wash off before it had dried,” Wratten recalled: “The hardy Czech construction crew battled on bravely and delivered the build on schedule. In the summer, temperatures rose to +30 Degrees Celsius, which made for tough filming conditions for the musketeers in their thick leather uniforms.

“Notwithstanding, it was an enormously enjoyable shoot in a beautiful country. We were very well supported by a Czech crew who are proud of their country and their results.”

(Photos: BBC)


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    There are 2 comments

  • Jana Yell


    Please note that a lot of major scenes were made in Kromeriz, a very pretty place in Moravia. Why wasn't it mentioned?
    The Palace, gardens, and other historic buildings are all from Kromeriz!
    I know it because I lived there!! And the crew were staying at the same hotel at the same time as me last year!!
    Always assuming it is made in Prague!!!
    Please correct, thank you. Much appreciated!!


  • Andreas Ruby


    Thank you Jana Yell for your information that most of the locations were in fact in Kromeriz, not Doksany. This way I was able to find the fantastic park. What an incredible place! I was wondering if you could tell me the name of the cloister where Ninon de Larroque is tried and almost sentenced to death. This cloister has a very interesting ground plan with an unusual wedge, which I would like to study more in detail. You can also email me at andreas.ruby@gmx.net. Best, Andreas Ruby

