Written by Murray Ashton on May 14, 2012. Posted in Interviews

On location with producer Adrian Harrison

Over 30 years Adrian went from graduate trainee Account Executive to trainee advertising Agency Producer, Agency Producer, Production Company Producer and then Managing Director at RSA Films. He’s now Executive Producer and Partner at Streetlight Films.

Where have you filmed?

Numerous locations, including the obvious like the US, Australia, Canada, New Zealand and Spain. The not-so-obvious include Ukraine, Nepal, Thailand, Mozambique and Sri Lanka. I’ve never filmed in South America.

What advice can you offer for filming on location?

Always do due diligence on who you are planning on working with locally as you will be in their hands whether an individual or a company. Never accept their quotes as definitive – take the rates and budget yourself. Get a map. Research, research and research – it’s never been easier so there are no excuses.

Be aware of locations where not only language is a problem, but cultural practice is alien to ours. Appreciate this and work with them; don’t enforce your culture on theirs, as it will go horribly wrong. Also, stay in a hotel where you can walk out of your room to the car park, where there’s late-night eating and drinking facilities, and remember that you are there to work, not have a holiday.

Your hardest filming locations?

Nepal and Sri Lanka.

Your best?

The US, Australia, Canada and New Zealand for the lack of language and cultural barriers, particularly these days with less time to prepare properly.

Your most memorable wrap party?

Too numerous but the one that will go down in the annals involved an open raw sewer, prison, a Lear Jet and a casino all within 36 hours.

How do you relax?

I love having a day to myself after the shoot to do what I want to do rather than what others want me to do for them. I’ll relax in a good book on a long-haul flight, preferably on my own.

Thank you

To contact Adrian please click here.


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    There are 3 comments

  • George Melikishvili


    Unfortunately there is no Georgia in Mr. Adrian's location list, so i'd like to invite him in Georgia (Caucasus), to research our filming locations.

    Best regards,
    George Melikishvili
    Founder of locationStock.com


  • bobwilkins1@gmail.com Wilkins


    Hi Mr Harrison. Hardest shoot Nepal? I agree I was there!
    But what a memerable one.
    In 33 years as an AD its up there in my top three.
    I still have the making of film, its worth another look.
    You dont mention Cape Town ,my new home of three years.
    Hope your well.Come and see us sometime
    Bob Wilkins


  • bobwilkins1@gmail.com Wilkins


    And a big Hi to Murray Ashton too x

