Written by new-contact on Sep 24, 2010. Posted in Production News

Orange shoots new commercials on location in Barcelona

Mobile phone operator Orange has filmed new commercial spots in Barcelona. The adverts include Tania the Party Planner, featuring a woman who organises unusual party gatherings. Matteo the Online Romancer shows a shy man who finds new confidence in his online dating life, while Apology Nico focuses on someone who sends lots of apologetic text messages for being late all the time.

The production shot all the spots over just four days in 13 different places in and around the Spanish city. The locations were intended as generic Europe rather than being anywhere specific. Alexandra Sieger, a Producer with La Pac, said: “We shot in Barcelona because of the weather and also because this city offers a great variety of architecture that looks European and not only Spanish.”

Marc Bedia, an Executive Producer with The Lift in Barcelona, said: “The main challenge location wise was to find locations that were close enough to each other in order to be able to shoot in the amount of days we had, and there were a lot of locations!”

Sieger explained that the quality of local crews and the relative ease of securing filming permits made a Barcelona shoot easier. Another important factor was the social side of the city as the production was keen to entertain the agency clients at good restaurants and hotels during the shoot. She added that with Lemon, the Director, being an Argentine native the Spanish culture of Barcelona was an added draw.

Very few changes were made to the places where the production filmed. Bedia said: “There was a scene for a party with a bull ride that was made in a designers’ studio and a traffic jam scene in the parking lot of the local university.”

The production hired all the camera equipment locally. With the exception of Sieger, her French Line Producer, the Director and his Argentine Director of Photography, the rest of the crew was Spanish.

Click here to view Apology Nico.

Click here to view Tania the Party Planner.

Click here to view Matteo the Online Romancer.

Client: Orange
Agency: Saatchi & Saatchi, Switzerland
Creative Directors: Derek Green, Steve O’Leary
Production Company: La Pac
Producer: Alexandra Sieger

Production Service Company: The Lift
Executive Producer: Marc Bedia
Location Manager: Jordi Calvet

Director of Photography: Carlos Ritter
Director: Lemon


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