Written by new-contact on Feb 23, 2012. Posted in On Location

straight 8 organises inaugural India screening on location in New Delhi

Filming organisation straight 8 has organised its first New Delhi screening for tomorrow night (24th February) at The Attic in the city’s Regal Building. The organisation will be showing its top eight straight 8 films of 2011, along with eight of the best from the past ten years.

The straight 8 competition is open to amateurs and professionals alike and the challenge is to make the best film possible using just one three-minute reel of Super 8mm film stock. Filmmakers get their stock directly from straight 8, shoot their film in sequence with no editing, and then the reel is sent back to straight 8 for processing. Soundtracks must be original and are sent separately.

Will Cummock is with straight 8: “India is the world's largest producer of films and we'd love to see some of that creativity being poured into straight 8 entries. If we get a good crop of Indian entries, we'll return later in the year to show them all at a big Indian premiere. We're hoping that this is the first of many Straight 8 events in India.”

India is the world's largest producer of films and we'd love to see some of that creativity being poured into straight 8 entries.

Will Cummock, straight 8

The main straight 8 competition for 2012 is now open for entries to anyone anywhere in the world and reels need to be sent to straight 8 in London by 31st March. Winning films will be shown at one of the organisation’s screening premieres, which include the Cannes Film Festival.

For more information and to enter the competition, click here.


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