Written by new-contact on Nov 2, 2011. Posted in General Interest

TLG to address Commercial Film Workshop in Seville in Spain on TVC filming incentives

TLG publisher Jean-Frédéric Garcia will be speaking on commercial filming incentives at the Commercial Film Workshop in Seville on November 3rd and 4th. Other presentations will include a talk on how Location Managers and film commissions can work more effectively together.

Jean-Frédéric commented: “The Location Guide specialises in issuing location filming information to production companies around the world and it’s a great opportunity to be able to discuss TV commercial incentives with our friends and colleagues at the Commercial Film Workshop.

The introduction of commercial filming incentives in Seville could help boost the city’s profile not just in Europe but on the global stage.

Jean-Frédéric Garcia, The Location Guide

“The introduction of commercial filming incentives in Seville could help boost the city’s profile not just in Europe but on the global stage.”

Other speakers scheduled to address the workshop include Jane Soans, Chair of the Guild of Location Managers UK, Alejandro Carvajal, a media advertising consultant and Ana Castro, Head of Media and Contact Points at Coca-Cola España.


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