Written by new-contact on Apr 20, 2012. Posted in On Location

Winchester in UK doubles for period Paris in Les Misérables

The historic city of Winchester in Hampshire, southern England, has doubled for 19th Century Paris in Tom Hooper’s adaptation of Les Misérables. Today is the last day of a two-week shoot that’s focussed on areas around the city’s cathedral.

Ian Tait is a City Councillor in Winchester and spoke to the Southern Daily Echo: “When you live here you forget what Winchester has to offer but it’s a fabulous location.”

Nearby Portsmouth was also filmed in March, with a special set built at the city’s naval base. It’s likely the high-profile production is taking advantage of the UK’s filming tax credit. While it’s not clear how much the film is spending in the UK, the credit’s upper bracket rewards spends of more than GBP20 million with a 20% rebate.

(Main page image copyright: WyrdLight.com)


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