
Classification Production Companies
Type C M D I P
Address Dorrego 1246
Buenos Aires
Country Argentina
Telephone (54 11) 3220 3310
Regions covered Latin America, USA, Europe
Languages Spanish, English, French, Italian, Portuguese
Trading since 2000

Recent productions

Director: Luciano Podcaminsky
Producer: Marcelo Fontao
Type: TV Commercials
Country: Argentina
Diesel: Island
Landia/ Stink,
Director: Agustin Alberdi
Type: TV Commercials
Country: Argentina
Nextel: Prip
Madre Buenos Aires,
Director: Andy Fogwill
Producer: Marcelo Fontao
Type: TV Commercials
Country: Argentina
Coca Cola
Santo Arg,
Director: Andy Fogwill
Type: TV Commercials
Country: United States of America
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