
The second season of the BBC’s modern war drama Our Girl was recently set in Kenya. The series follows a female soldier in the British Army and is relocating the story to Kenya after the first season used South Africa as a stand-in for Afghanistan. Netflix's sci-fi series, Sense8 shot a number of scenes on location in Nairobi.

Kenya is not established as a production hub and lacks filming incentive support. However, filming in Kenya does continue to become easier and more accessible as local service companies work with the Government to improve and simplify the rules and regulations for filming.

Kenya also offers a wide range of varied, unique and beautiful locations for filmmakers. They range from snow-capped mountains and coastal grassland to the beauty of the Great Rift Valley and the rich cultural attributes of the Maasai people.

We ended up landing in Kenya at 8am, set out on a recce for eight different locations, arrived at the hotel at 8pm and then the call time was 4am the next morning. But the team in Kenya were amazing and it worked.”

Shayne Brookstein, Moonlighting


Kenya’s coastline enjoys a tropical climate with high springtime humidity and the coastal town of Mombasa has mean annual temperatures of between 22C and 30C.

Monsoon winds moderate the humidity slightly during the spring. Conditions in the lowlands are dry and hot, while temperatures in the highlands fall again and have more distinct seasons.

Temperatures in Nairobi can fall to 13C due to its altitude. Rainfall occurs most regularly in the spring months and then in the early autumn as a result of the two monsoon seasons, although the northern regions tend to get less than elsewhere in the country.

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