Global Search: New Orleans
Latest News (3280)
Plans to double Hawaii’s filming incentives deferred until 2012
Hawaii’s filming incentives will stay at 15% for at least the rest of 2011 after a proposal to expand the scheme stalled in State Legislature. Supporters were calling for an incentive increase to 40% on some of the islands. Passing…
Twilight and Green Lantern benefitting Louisiana economy
Big-budget projects Twilight and Green Lantern are among those benefitting the economy in Louisiana. For every dollar Louisiana issues as a tax credit for film productions, the state economy makes USD5.71, according to a new report. State-wide economic output from…
The Avengers starts filming in New Mexico with time also scheduled for Ohio and NYC
Superhero epic The Avengers has started filming in Albuquerque, New Mexico, uniting Marvel’s biggest characters into a single film. Over the next few months production is also scheduled for Cleveland, Ohio, and New York City. John R Kasich, Governor of…
Carlsberg recreates the moon filming on location in New Zealand
Considering a location trip to the moon impractical, beer brand Carlsberg has found an alternative to the lunar surface near Queenstown in New Zealand for its Spaceman ad. The company also decided to scale several mountain peaks for accompanying spot…
Petronas ad doubles Japan, Malaysia and Hungary for global locations
Malaysian oil company Petronas has filmed a new ad in Japan, Malaysia and Hungary to promote its involvement with the recent Malaysian Formula One Grand Prix. The spot shows ordinary motorists around the world using F1 cars in their everyday…
TLG talks to UK Location Manager Rob Champion
Rob studied Architecture in Bristol, which didn't quite work out, but initiated his fascination with the city’s urban fabric. Spurned by the BBC as a trainee cameraman for wearing glasses, he discovered the North of England and the benefits of…
Jupiler Force embarks on jungle trek to film ad on location in Costa Rica
Belgian brewed soft drink brand Jupiler Force has journeyed to Costa Rica for its new ad spot. The self-aware commercial shows a film crew travelling through a jungle river, dense undergrowth and mangroves so that they can, well, film a…
The Desert - a filming survival guide
As with all extreme locations, preparation and planning before an expedition is crucial. Choosing the format you wish to film on may be governed by an existing edit suite facility at the production company but this may not be the…
Mississippi increases filming incentive and opens new studio
Mississippi has increased its filming incentive by 5%, broadened its eligibility and opened a new studio. It all suggests the state is eager for a piece of the industry action now being enjoyed by neighbouring Louisiana. The state’s rebate now…
Olivier-René Veillon discusses Île de France Location Expo
The Location Guide is a partner at the Île de France Location Expo in Paris on April 28th and 29th 2011, which showcases the locations available to filmmakers in the region. Olivier-René Veillon is Executive Director of the Île de…